
What are the functions of a flag State Administration?

(1) Setting, monitoring and enforcing standards of safety and pollution prevention on vessels flying the State’s flag;Β 

(2) enforcing international standards of safety and pollution prevention on foreign ships visiting the State’s ports; (3) setting and enforcing merchant shipping regulations for the flag State; (4) surveying and inspecting vessels in accordance with domestic and international regulations; (5) setting and enforcing standards of seafarers’ competency; (6) investigating accidents involving ships flying the State’s flag and ships of other flags when in the State’s waters; (7) approving equipment types for vessels under international regulations; (8) advising on matters such as loading of hazardous cargoes and other safety matters; (9) maintaining a register of ships flying the State’s flag; and (10) monitoring and enforcing compliance with international ship and port security provisions.


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