The CSO and SSO are required to ensure the effective implementation of the SSP by carrying out drills and exercises at appropriate intervals.
Paragraph B/13.6 states that to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the Ship Security Plan, drills should be conducted at least once every three months. In addition, where more than 25% of the ship’s personnel has been changed at any one time with personnel that has not previously participated in any drill on that ship within the last 3 months, a drill should be conducted within one week of the change. These drills should test individual elements of the plan such as those security threats listed in paragraph B8.9 of the Code. Regulation 13(1) of The Ship and Port Facility (Security) Regulations 2004 provides that an authorised officer may serve an Enforcement Notice (e. g. an Improvement Notice or Prohibition Notice) on various persons including a Company Security Officer, Ship Security Officer or master for failing to comply with para. B/13. 6 of the ISPS Code (even though Part B provisions are “guidance”).