
What pre-arrival notifications are required by the UK’s Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Regulations?

(1)A notification to the port authority prior to entry into port (a “pre-arrival notification” or “PAN”); and (2) a notification to the port authority of dangerous or polluting goods carried on board (a “hazmat notification”). (For details of both see below in this Section. ) di-language:AR-SA’> (SI 2004/2110), as amended. (2) The Port Waste Reception Facilities Directive is implemented by The MS and FV (Port Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/1809), as amended. (3) The PSC Directive is implemented by The Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/2601).

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    What pre-arrival notification is required by the UK’s Port Waste Reception Facilities Regulations?

    Which UK Merchant Shipping Regulations give effect in the UK to the three Directives in the last answer?