
What are the master’s obligations under The Merchant Shipping (Safe Movement on Board Ship) Regulations?

To ensure that safe means of access is provided and maintained to any place on the ship where a person may be expected to go, taking full account of the principles and guidance in the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen.Β 

Also to ensure that (1) all deck surfaces used for transit about the ship, and all passageways, walkways and stairs, are properly maintained andΒ kept free from materials and substances liable to cause a person to slip or fall; (2) those areas of the ship being used for loading or unloading of cargo or for other work processes or for transit are adequately and properly illuminated; (3) any permanent safety signs used on board the ship for the purpose of giving health or safety information or instruction comply with BS5378 Part I or with any equivalent standard; (4) any opening, open hatchway or dangerous edge into, through, or over which a person may fall is fitted with secure guards or fencing of adequate design and construction, kept in a good state of repair, and (5) all ship’s ladders are of good construction and sound material, of adequate strength for their purpose, free from patent defect and properly maintained.


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