
Antifouling composition

Antifouling composition. These coatings are for underwater use on hulls. They Contain poisons based on copper and mercury compounds. The poisons prevent the adhesion of organisms to the hull.

During the life of the vessel, the poisons β€œleach” or are gradually released into the sea, killing off the organisms. This paint must never be applied to bare steel because the copper and mercury compounds may cause severe corrosion.

Anti-fouling is proof against the attachment of seaweed, barnacles and other marine growth on the underwater shell of vessels. In modern painting schemes, various compositions are used, such as β€œselfpolishing copolymers” (SPC) which reduce marine growth on the underwater shell plating and thus reduce resistance, increasing speed for the same engine power and fuel consumption.


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Anticorrosive paint

Anti-pollution clauses