
Beaufort Wind Scale

Beaufort Wind Scale. At sea the wind speed is expressed in numbers according to the Beaufort scale. The Beaufort Number (BF) is estimated from the sea surface appearance.

Beaufort/ Description of wind /Speed in Knots

0 /Calm Less than/ 1
1 /Light air /1-3
2/ Light breeze /4-6
3/ Gentle breeze /7-10
4/ Moderate breeze /11-16
5/ Fresh breeze /17-21
6 /Strong breeze/ 22-27
7 /Moderate gale /28-33
8 /Fresh gale /34-40
9/ Strong gale /41-47
10/ Whole gale /48-55
11 /Storm /56-63
12/ Hurricane /64-71

The Beaufort wind force scale extends to Force 17 (up to 118) knots but Force 12 is the highest which can be identified from the appearance of the sea.


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