
How does the selection scheme operate in the New Inspection Regime?

(1) Before the time window opens for any risk profile and there are no overriding or unexpected factors logged, the ship has no priority status and Member States are not obliged to perform an inspection on it, but if they deem it appropriate they may still choose to do so.

(2) When the time window opens a ship becomes Priority II andΒ canΒ be selected for a periodic inspection. (3) When the time window has passed, a ship becomes Priority I andΒ mustΒ be selected for a periodic inspection. (4) If an unexpected factor is logged against a ship it becomes Priority II irrespective of the time window and itΒ canΒ be selected for inspection. (5) If an overriding factor is logged against a ship it becomes Priority I irrespective of the time window and itΒ mustΒ be selected for inspection. (Priority I inspections are mandatory; Priority II inspections are optional for the port State control authority.)

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