
How is the IMSBC Code arranged?

In 372 pages divided into 13 sections as follows: 1. General provisions;Β 

2. General loading, carriage and unloading precautions; 3. Safety of personnel and ship; 4. Assessment of acceptability of consignments for safe shipment; 5. Trimming procedures; 6. Methods of determining the angle of repose; 7. Cargoes that may liquefy; 8. Test procedures for cargoes that may liquefy; 9. Materials possessing chemical hazards; 10. Carriage of solid wastes in bulk; 11. Security provisions; 12. Stowage factor conversion tables; 13. References to related information and recommendations. There are also 4 appendices as follows: 1. Individual schedules of solid bulk cargoes; 2. Laboratory test procedures, associated apparatus and standards; 3. Properties of solid bulk cargoes; and 4. Index (listing Material, Group and References).


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