(1) Inform the ship’s agent, with instructions to notify local Immigration, Customs, taxi, etc.
(2) If the seaman is paid from the ship, make up overtime, bar account, etc., and an Account of Seaman’s Wages (ASW/2). (3) Pay any wages due in accordance with The Merchant Shipping (Seamen’s Wages and Accounts) Regulations. (4) Make appropriate entries in the seaman’s Discharge Book. (5) Ask seaman to make his signature in top grey space on ALC 1(a). (6) Witness seaman’s signature by signing in bottom grey space on ALC 1(a). (7) Make an entry in OLB narrative section to the effect that “Seaman No…. (ref. no. from ALC) was today discharged from the Crew Agreement”. (8) If the seaman requests, issue a certificate as to the quality of his work or that he has fully discharged his obligations under the contract. (9) Inform the employer of the change in the List of Crew as soon as possible but within 3 days. (10) Amend the Crew List (for purposes of port authorities, etc. ).