
How should the master of a UK ship open a new Crew Agreement and engage seamen on its terms?

The master should: (1) Prepare the ALC documents (ALC 1(a), (b), (c) and (d) and ALC 6) and the Official Log Book, entering an “E” reference number against the master’s own details on ALC 1(b).

Β (2) As each seaman approaches, ask to see his Medical Fitness Certificate (ENG 1 or non-UK equivalent), his Certificate of Competency, if any, and his MCA Certificate of Equivalent Competency (or Confirmation of Receipt of Application), if any. (3) Check all certificates for validity, proper STCW references and endorsements, and for any indication of false or forged documents. (4) For non-exempt seamen (i. e. those who are party to the Crew Agreement), write a reference number in the left-hand column of ALC 1(a), complete the details in the white spaces, and complete the certificate and endorsement details. (5) Show all non-exempt seamen the ALC 1(d), which is the contract by which they will be bound when they sign the ALC1(a), and note any requests for a personal copy of ALC1(d) (which must be provided). (6) Show any seaman on request any relevant document mentioned in the Crew Agreement (e. g. MN Code of Conduct or company’s Drug and Alcohol Policy). (7) Request non-exempt seamen to sign in the top white space at the right hand side on ALC 1(a). (8) Enter details of all seamen exempted from signing a crew agreement (e. g. contractors’ personnel, supercargo, surveyors) and supernumeraries on ALC 1(b) below the master’s details, assigning an “E” reference numbers, and enter details of any certificates and endorsements held. (9) Note all seamen under the age of 18 listed on ALC 1(a) and ALC 1(b) and enter their details onto ALC 1(c) – List of Young Persons. (10) Make out an exact duplicate copy of ALC 1(d) with any additional clauses, and affix it to form ALC 6, then post it up in the crew accommodation. (Where there is more than one employer, make out a separate ALC 6 for each employer and post in the appropriate part of the accommodation. ) (11) Copy all ALC reference numbers, names and capacities of all seamen engaged, including exempted seamen, into the “Seamen employed in the ship” pages inside the front cover of the Official Log Book. (12) Make an entry in the OLB narrative section to the effect that a new Crew Agreement was opened and crew engaged, listing their reference numbers (e. g. “Nos. 01-23 and E1-E4”). (13) Send the employer a list of all crew engaged so that they know who is on board and are in a position to notify details to MCA should the need arise.


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Written by Ship Inspection

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