Note: Content was contributed by our readers.
NOP 01 Delay between arrival (NOR) and Berthing.
NOP 02 Delay between Berthing and Commence Cargo Operations.
NOP 03 Delay during cargo operations.
NOP 04 Delay between Complete cargo & Sailing.
NOP 05 Slow Load.
NOP 06 Slow Discharge.
NOP 07 Difference between ships and B/L figures.
NOP 08 Not complying with Charterers B/L details.
NOP 09 B/L figures based on Ships figures
NOP 10 Inadequate Loading facilities.
NOP 11 B/L Figs Greater Than Ship’s.
NOP 12 Ships staff connecting shore hoses.
NOP 13 Loading of suspected contaminated cargo.
NOP 14 Difference between B/L and ships observed density.
NOP 15 Free water in cargo.
NOP 16 Shore stop loading / Cargo shortage.
NOP 17 Refusal to sign Notes of Protest.
NOP 18 (Bunkers) Delay in supplying Bunkers.
NOP 19 (Bunkers) No authentic Calibration tables for barge.
NOP 20 (Bunkers) Difference between Ships / Barge figures for quantity supplied.
NOP 21 (Bunkers) Refusal to witness samples being taken onboard.
NOP 22 (Bunkers) Supply of Off spec bunkers.
NOP 23 (Bunkers) Not supplying quantity / quality of bunkers as per stem.
NOP 24 (Bunkers) Water in barge / shore tanks, before commencing.
NOP 25 (Bunkers) Not complying with Singapore Bunkering Procedure.
NOP 26 Berth unsuitable for this ship. (poor moorings etc.)
NOP 27 Shifting ship
NOP 28 Non Compliance with DSC Bunkering Proceedures.
NOP 29 Insufficient water to safely remain afloat.
NOP 30 Low temperature of cargo loaded.
NOP 31 Loading of suspected lead contaminated cargo.
NOP 32 Delay awaiting documents
NOP 33 Difference in Time Sheet
NOP 34 Delay loading line flush
NOP 35 Delay pumping line flush ashore
NOP 36 Damage due collision (lightering vessel)
NOP 37 Inadequate Fenders
NOP 38 Poor service by cargo surveyor.
NOP 39 Theft from Ship
NOP 40 Not taking samples from Ship’s tanks
NOP 41 Vacate berth due bad weather
NOP 42 Shore line containing other product
NOP 43 No Density given until after completion of cargo
NOP44 Samples taken prior to completing cargo
NOP45 Delay connecting hoses
NOP46 Delay connecting hoses between NOR & Commence cargo
NOP47 Additives
NOP48 Adjusting trim
NOP49 Delay awaiting results of sample analysis
NOP50 Fouled mooring rope
NOP51 Number of hoses
NOP52 Access β Shore gangway