
What documentation should be verified as being on board an oil tanker in the initial survey for an IOPP Certificate?

(1) Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual; 

(2) Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual; (3) an operations manual for the oil discharge monitoring and control system; (4) certificates for type approval for the oil content meters, oil discharge monitoring and control system and oil/water interface detectors; (5) Oil Record Book (Part 2); (6) instructions for operation of the part flow system (in the cargo and ballast handling manuals); (7) information and data concerning the subdivision and damage stability; (8) SOPEP (or in the case of a chemical/product tanker a SMPEP).


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    What document is issued as a Supplement to the IOPP Certificate, and what does it contain in the case of a tanker and a non-tanker?

    What documentation should be verified as being on board a cargo ship other than an oil tanker in the initial survey for an IOPP Certificate?