
What is an International Energy Efficiency Certificate, and what does it certify?

A certificate issued to a ship by or under the authority of the flag State Administration, under regulation 21 of MARPOL Annex VI (as amended in July 2011 by resolution MEPC. 203(62)), to certify that the ship has been surveyed in accordance with Annex VI regulation 5:4 and that the survey shows that the ship complies with the applicable requirements of regulation 20 (Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index or Attained EEDI), regulation 21 (Required EEDI) and regulation 22 (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan or SEEMP). It may also be referred to as an IEE Certificate or IEEC.

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Why was it necessary to amend MARPOL Annex VI in July 2011 by MEPC.203(62)?

Who usually carries out surveys for the UK Air Pollution Prevention Certificate of a UK ship?