The Registry of Shipping and Seamen, a branch of the MCA located at Cardiff (alongside Cardiff Marine Office). The RSS: (1) registers and maintains a computerised central register of UK merchant ships, fishing vessels and yachts; (2) approves names of UK ships and allocates Official Numbers to UK ships;issues and revalidates UK seafarers’ certificates; (4) issues other UK seafarers’ documents such as discharge books and seamen’s cards; (5) issues medals to UK seafarers and has custody of records of medals and awards to seafarers; (6) registers all births and deaths at sea; (7) administers (on behalf of DfT) the Crew Relief Scheme (to assist shipowners with costs of flying UK seafarers to and from ships joined or left abroad); (8) has custody of Crew Agreements and Lists of Crew, Official Log Books, and Radio Logs; (9) has custody of seamen’s records for verification of sea service; (10) maintains the central record of British Seamen’s Cards and Discharge Books; (11) maintains the Register of Certificates of Competency and Service; and (12) issues Continuous Synopsis Records (CSRs) to UK ships.