
According to IMO Resolution A. 949(23) – Guidelines on Places of Refuge for Ships in Need of Assistance — what steps should the master take when his ship is in need of assistance?

The master should (with the company and/or salvor, where appropriate): 

(1) identify the reasons for the need of assistance; (2) estimate the consequences of the potential casualty if the ship remains in the same position, or if the ship continues on its voyage, or if the ship reaches a place of refuge or if the ship is taken out to sea; (3) identify the assistance required from the coastal State; (4) make contact with the coastal State and notify the Maritime Assistance Service of the actions intended to be taken and within what period of time; (5) subject, where necessary, to the coastal State’s prior consent, take any necessary response actions, such as signing a salvage or towage agreement.


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    Will the coastal State always provide a place of refuge when requested?

    Under what circumstances should a shipmaster decide to divert for a place of refuge?