
What are the duties of masters under the SLU Regulations where damage occurs during loading or unloading?

The master and the terminal representative must comply with the requirements in the SLU Code, Schedule 6, paragraphs 1 and 2. (Reg. 10) 

Paragraph 1 requires that if damage to the ship’s structure or equipment occurs during loading or unloading, it must be reported by the terminal representative to the master and, if necessary, repaired. Paragraph 2 requires that if the damage could impair the structural capability or watertight integrity of the hull, or essential engineering systems, the MCA and the competent authority of the flag State, or a recognised organisation of the flag State, must be informed by the terminal representative and the master. The decision as to whether immediate repair is necessary or whether it can be deferred must be taken by the MCA, due account being taken of the opinion, if any, of the flag State administration, or RO, and the master. Where immediate repair is considered necessary, it must be carried out to the satisfaction of the master and the MCA before the ship leaves the port. 


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    What procedures must be followed by masters and terminal representatives under the SLU Regulations?