
What are the most serious acts of misconduct under the Merchant Navy Code of Conduct?

The Paragraph 9 “dismissal” breaches. These are: 

(1) assault; (2) wilful damage to the ship or any property on board; (3) theft, or possession of stolen property; (4) possession of offensive weapons; (5) persistent or wilful failure to perform duty; (6) unlawful possession or distribution of drugs; (7) conduct endangering the ship or persons on board; (8) combination with others to impede the progress of the voyage or the navigation of the ship; (9) disobedience of orders relating to the safety of the ship or of any person on board; (10) being asleep on duty or failing to remain on duty if this prejudiced the safety of the ship or any person on board; (11) incapacity through drink or drugs to carry out duty to the prejudice of safety of the ship or of any person on board; (12) to smoke, use a naked light or unapproved electric torch in any part of a ship carrying dangerous cargo or stores where smoking or the use of naked lights or unapproved torches is prohibited; (13) intimidation, coercion and/or interference with the work of other employees; (14) behaviour seriously detracting from the safe and/or efficient working of the ship; (15) conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women and men at work which is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive to the recipient; (16) behaviour seriously detracting from the social well-being of any other person on board; (17) causing or allowing unauthorised persons to be on board whilst at sea; (18) repeated commissions of lesser breaches listed in Paragraph 11 after warnings have been given in accordance with the procedures in Paragraph 10.


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Written by Ship Inspection

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