
What are the provisions of MSN 1790 regarding compliance with Stockholm Agreement stability standards by UK ro-ro passenger ships on international voyages?

(1) Existing UK ro-ro passenger ships (keel laid before 1 October 2004) operating regular international services between ports in those European countries not signatory to the original Stockholm Agreement must comply with standards equivalent to those of the Stockholm Agreement by 1 October 2010 unless they operate in sea areas with a significant wave height of less than 1. 5 metres.

 However ships which were compliant with the SOLAS 90 standard of watertight subdivision and damage stability by 17 May 2003 must comply with the Stockholm Agreement by 1 October 2015. (2) New UK ro-ro passenger ships (keel laid on or after 1 October 2004) operating regular services between ports in the European community will be obliged to comply with the Stockholm Agreement unless operating in sea areas with a significant wave height of less than 1. 5 metres. (3) The SOLAS 90 standard is considered to offer a sufficient degree of safety with respect to watertight subdivision and damage stability allowing for water accumulation on the vehicle deck that might be expected in wave heights of up to 1. 5 metres.


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    What are the provisions of MSN 1790 regarding compliance with Stockholm Agreement stability standards by UK ro-ro passenger ships on domestic voyages?

    Which regulations implement EC Directive 2003/25/EC in the UK, and what ships do they additionally cover?