
What document is issued with an International Load Line Certificate when a ship is first assigned freeboards, what does it contain, and where can a specimen of it be found?

The document is a Record of Particulars Relating to Conditions of Assignment (also called a Record of Conditions of Assignment). 

The MCA form number is MSF 2011 (formerly FRE 7). It details the fittings, appliances and arrangements approved for the ship, as follows: ship’s name; port of registry; nationality; Official Number or call sign; builder; yard number; date of build/conversion; freeboards assigned as a ship of Type (A, B, or B with reduced or increased freeboard); classification; date and place of initial survey; sketches of side profile, superstructure deck and freeboard deck (with note stating that a plan of suitable size may be attached instead of sketches) to show disposition of superstructures, trunks, deckhouses, machinery casings, extent of bulwarks, guard rails and wood sheathing on exposed deck, hatchways, gangways and other means of protection for crew, cargo ports, bow and stern doors, side scuttles, scuppers, ventilators, air pipes, companionways and other items that would affect seaworthiness. Also, tabular reports of: (1) doorways in superstructures, exposed machinery casings and deckhouses protecting openings in freeboard and superstructure decks; (2) hatchways at positions 1 and 2 closed by portable covers and secured weathertight by tarpaulins and battening devices; (3) hatchways at positions 1 and 2 closed by weathertight covers of steel (or other equivalent material) fitted with gaskets and clamping devices; (4) machinery space openings and miscellaneous openings in freeboard and superstructure decks; (5) ventilators on freeboard and superstructure decks (positions 1 and 2); (6) air pipes on freeboard and superstructure decks; (7) cargo ports and other similar openings; (8) scuppers, inlets and discharges; (9) side scuttles; (10) freeing ports; (11) protection of the crew; (12) timber deck cargo fittings; (13) other special features. Schedule 3 to MSN 1752 contains a specimen Record document.


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    Who issues the Record of Conditions of Assignment?

    What are conditions of assignment?