
What is a Berth List?

A list, compiled by the shipowner under The Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ship Construction: Ships of Classes I, II and II(A)) Regulations 1998 of all berths at UK ports at which it is intended a ro-ro passenger ship (of any flag) will load or discharge cargo or vehicles.Β 

It must list separately for each port where the ship will load or discharge cargo or vehicles: (1) the loading berths at which the ship can comply with the requirement to close and lock loading doors before leaving the berth; and (2) the loading berths at which the ship may leave or approach the berth with a bow visor or weathertight ramp partially open. A copy of the Berth List must be sent to the MCA. A ro-ro passenger ship may not, except in an emergency, load or discharge cargo or vehicles through a loading door at any berth not listed on her Berth List.


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Under what circumstances may a ro-ro approach or draw away from its berth with its bow visor or weathertight ramp open?

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