
What is the procedure for registering a British ship on Part I of the UK Register?

(1)The owner applies for registration to the Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS), submitting: 

(a) evidence of title (for a new ship: Builder’s Certificate; for a non-new ship: Bill(s) of Sale going back to first registry); (b) Declaration of Eligibility (to own a British ship); (c) company’s Certificate of Incorporation; and (d) the registry fee. On the application form the owner states the choice of name for the ship together with other choices in case the first choice is refused. The port of choice is selected from an RSS list of UK ports. (2)The owner has a measurement survey made by an authorised measurer (normally the classification society) to establish main dimensions and gross and net tonnages. (3) A Certificate of Survey with dimensions and tonnages is returned by the surveyor to RSS. (4) The Official Number is allocated by RSS. (5) A Carving and Marking Note (C&M Note) is issued by RSS to the owner with instructions to have the ship marked with its name, port of choice, draught marks, Official Number and net tonnage. (6) The ship is marked as required and the Inspector of Marks (an authorised class surveyor) witnesses the marking and returns the C&M Note to RSS. (7) The radio call sign and MMSI are allocated by Ofcom. (8) All particulars (including mortgages) are recorded on the computerised register by RSS. (9) RSS issues a Certificate of British Registry to the owner. 


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