
What operations must be recorded in the Oil Record Book (Part 2) Cargo/Ballast Operations (Oil Tankers)? (Lettered items only required.)

(A) Loading of oil cargo;Β 

(B) Internal transfer of oil cargo during voyage; (C) Unloading of oil cargo; (D) Crude Oil Washing (COW tankers only); (E) Ballasting of cargo tanks; (F) Ballasting of dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers only); (G) Cleaning of cargo tanks; (H) Discharge of dirty ballast; (I) Discharge of water from slop tanks into the sea; (J) Collection, transfer and disposal of residues and oily mixtures not otherwise dealt with; (K) Discharge of clean ballast contained in cargo tanks; (L) Discharge of ballast from dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers only); (M) Condition of oil discharge monitoring and control system; (N) Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil; (O) Additional operational procedures and general remarks. On tankers engaged in “specific trades”, three additional entries are required: (P) Loading of ballast water; (Q) Re-allocation of ballast water; and (R) Ballast water discharge to reception facility.


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What are “tankers engaged in specific trades “as referred to in the Oil Record Book (Part 2)?

Why might ballast water be loaded in oil fuel tanks?