Notify address. The following clause (so called “notify clause”) may be inserted in an “order bill of lading”:
“The agents of the Company at port of destination are requested to notify… at… of the arrival of the goods but no responsibility will attach to the ship, Company, or agents, through any failure to make such notification.”
In standard form bills of lading, a box exists on the front of the form marked “Notify address”. If the shipper obtains the bill of lading and the name of the consignee is not inserted (as it would in a “named bill of lading”, which see above) the cargo would usually have to be delivered to the shipper’s order, after he has transacted the goods and indorsed and delivered the bill of lading. If the goods have not been sold nor the bill of lading transferred before the ship sails, the owner may not know to whom to deliver the cargo or whom to advise about the arrival of the ship and the goods. Accordingly, a “notify address” is inserted on the bill of ‘lading naming the party who should be advised unless the carrier hears otherwise.