
What are the various parts of the Training and Certification Guidance published by the MCA?

Part: 1: General requirements for certification and medical fitness (MGN 91);Β 

Part 2: Certificates of competency – deck department (MGN 92); Part 3: Certificates of competency – engine department (MGN 93); Part 4: Certificates of competency – radio personnel (MGN 214 – cancelled); Part 5: Special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ship (MGN 95); Part 6: Emergency, occupational safety, medical care and survival functions (MGN 96); Part 7: Alternative certification – dual certification (MGN 7); Part 8: Education and training schemes (MGN 8, as amended); Part 9: Procedure for the issue and revalidation of certificates of competency, marine engine operator licences and tanker endorsements (MGN 9); Part 10: Ratings (MGN 97); Part 11: Conduct of MCA oral examinations (MGN 69); Part 12: Safety training for concessionaires working on passenger ships (MGN 120); Part 13: Use of fishing vessel certificates of competency in standby, seismic survey and oceanographic research vessels – revised arrangements (MGN 121); Part 14: STCW 95 application to certificates of service (MGN 116 – Cancelled); Part 15: Certification of inshore tug personnel (MGN 209); Part 17: Certificates of competency or Marine Engine Operator Licences for service as an engineer officer on commercially and privately operated yachts and sail training vessels (MGN 156); Part 18: STCW 95 certificates of competency – conversion of tonnage limitations – GRT to GT (MGN 164); Part 19: Certificates of equivalent competency (MGN 221); Part 20:Certificates of equivalent competency (fishing vessels) (MSN 1825); Part 22: Certificates of competency for deck personnel serving on domestic vessels operating in Category ‘D’ waters (MGN 263); Part 23: Yacht rating certificates for service on commercially and privately operated yachts and sail training vessels (MGN 270); Part 27: Experienced seafarer to Engineer Officer of the Watch (MGN 278). (Notes: Part 16 has expired. Part 21 was replaced by MSN 1802 (Certificates of Competency – Yacht Deck Officers).


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