
What does MGN 331 recommend regarding regular maintenance of work equipment?

Regular preventative maintenance should be carried out on all parts of work equipment. 

This should include regular examinations by a competent person as often as necessary but at least once annually. They should include checks for general material defects that will affect safety or ability to perform the required function. When there is suspicion that an appliance or item may not be performing correctly or has been subjected to treatment likely to cause damage, it should be taken out of service until it can be subjected to examination. Greasing should be thorough and frequent. Ropes and chains should be checked regularly for wear, damage and corrosion; they should be replaced as necessary. Shackles, links and rings should be renewed when wear or damage is evident. Structures should be examined frequently for corrosion, cracks, distortion and wear of bearings, securing points, etc. Hollow structures such as gantries or masts should be checked for trapped water. There should be regular function tests of controls, stops, brakes, safety devices, etc. for work equipment, preferably before the start of operations.


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